Andy Warhol – Shoe Series – Katie Patrick

Andy Warhol was an American painter, film maker and author. He studied design at the Carnegie institute of Technology. In 1949 he began working as a commercial artist, and won the award for the Art director’s club based on his shoe advertisements in 1957.

The main part of Warhol’s early career was based around shoes. He was well known for his adverts for women’s footwear in the 1950’s and the use of this subject matter was carried out throughout his career.

In the 1980’s he created a series of screen prints that incorporated diamond dust. This material is ground-level cloud composed of tiny ice crystals. This created a shimmering effect onto his screen prints, like his earlier work using gold leaf. This gave his image an overall captivating effect. The poster itself consist of a single emerald green shoe floating, however due to the use of materials it conveys a starry sky effect.

Warhol created both paintings and pop art’s with the subject around shoes. His production of shoe images came the prominent claim to his success. His first paintings were considered to be done in a loose, blotted-ink style. Warhol used the blotted line technique throughout his advertising career. This was produced through taping two pieces of blank paper together and drawing ink on one end of the page, then before this dried he pressed the two images together. This created a picture with irregular lines that he later on coloured in with watercolour. This was used in one of his most famous shoes ads  for I.Miller.


Andy Warhol – Shoe Series – Katie Patrick

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