Iconic Film ET

ET is one of the worlds most icioic films. It’s a story about a gentle alien who gets stranded on earth and get discovered and befriended by a young boy named Elliot. Bringing the extraterrestrial into his suburban California house Elliot introduces the alien named ET to his younger brother and sister. They decide to keep him a secret. Although E.T falling ill causes a government intervention and w dire situation for both Elliot and the alien E.T

The film was released in the United States on the 11th of June 1982 and released in the United Kingdom on the 9th of December 1982. It was written by Mellisa Mathison and produced by Steven Spielberg. The music was composed by John Willis. The film won 4 oscars and 46 other awards it was also nominated 32 times. The film is an over all length of 2 hours and 1 min.  

The iconic image was a screen shot of Elliot and E.T flying across the moon on the horizon this image allowed people’s imaginations to run wild. The Swiss photographer Philip Schmidli created a similar homage photograph showed below.  

Iconic Film ET

Bacon Facts

Bacon Popularity

Pig meat is the single most popular in-home meat consumed and almost a third is accounted for by Bacon consumption* (30%)

46% of us grill bacon, 29% tend to fry, whilst 2% stir fry rashers*

Bacon rashers are increasingly being consumed with onions, pasta and rice, suggesting they are being used more in dishes and home cooking*

Households don’t want to be without bacon – there’s generally some in the fridge and, even if people don’t have a specific recipe in mind when they buy it, it is acknowledged that it will be eaten fairly quickly after purchase**

The humble bacon sarnie is the nation’s favourite “guilty” food, despite the growing popularity of exotic, spicy dishes***

The bacon sandwich is the UK’s fastest growing out of home snack item****

The snack topped a poll of the 50 greatest national treasures, with a traditional roast dinner in second place and a nice cup of tea third. #

Bacon Shopping

Bacon – more than any other protein – is at the top of the consumers’ shopping list. Seven out of ten bacon shoppers have made the decision to buy even before they enter the store**

ƒBacon is a £1.3 billion industry, with consumers currently purchasing 221.6k tonnes per year. ****** Rashers are the most popular form of bacon*   


The Wizard of Oz – Amy Willis

The Wizard of Oz is an American ‘musical, comedy-drama fantasy film’ that was filmed in 1939.

The Wizard of Oz is notable for its use of Technicolour, the parts of the film that were set in ‘reality’ was filmed on a sepia-tone film that gave it a  brown tint to the black and white filming and the rest of the film was created with 3-strip Technicolour film which was very expensive at the time but the creators thought that this would increase the feeling of an ‘over the rainbow’ feeling that would add to the plot and create a dramatic difference to the more mundane parts of the filming.

Although many people believe The Wizard of Oz was the first colour film there was actually many before this however this was the first film to transition between black and white to colour in a scene. To ensure that the transition was smooth some of the frames on the film had to be handpainted.

The Wizard of Oz – Amy Willis

John Issacs – Amy Willis

Creating works with a bizarre mixture of simplicity, anxiety and an uneasy feeling based on our modern life and its warped and off-balance way of thinking with an ugly and uncomfortable view of the truth within his creations by playing with extremities and taboos of normal life.

The work was created to give off a feeling of guilt about the way we live our lives with fast-food, air pollution and general greediness with the rate that the earth is beginning to disintegrate.

‘Things that can be are that which we know’ was created in 2001 with the intent to show how some of the world are starving and some of the world are either dieting to lose weight or eating endless amounts and gaining weight as well as the amount of food that is wasted every year. It was created with wax, oil paint, wood, polystyrene, latex and stage blood and measures 94 x 128 x 120 cm.Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 22.44.38.pngScreen Shot 2015-12-08 at 22.49.29.png


John Issacs – Amy Willis

Iconic Film – Schindler’s List.

Schindler’s List is a 1993 American historical drama. It was directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg and scripted by Steven Zaillian. The film itself is based around the novel ‘Schindler’s Ark’ by Thomas Keneally.

The film explores the life of Oskar Schindler. An Ethnic German businessman who saved the lives of more than one thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust. He did this by employing them within his factories.

Spielberg himself tried to pass the project of the film along to several other directors due to the Holocaust being such a awful event in history. Over the course of 72 days in 1993, he managed to shot the film in black an white and approached the film as a documentary. The film was a huge success and earned $321.2 million worldwide. It won seven Academy awards, such as Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Original score, Seven BAFTA’S and three golden globes. The film in 2007 was ranked 8th on the ‘list of the 100 bet American films of all time’.

The film was largely acclaimed as a remarkable achievement by film critics and audiences. World leaders of man y countries saw the film and urged many people to watch it. It has been described as “the best historical drama about the holocaust, a movie that will take its place in cultural history and remain there”( Stephen Schiff). The film is iconic as it the film increases Holocaust remembrance and awareness, and severs the last living links with the catastrophe. The film shows a sense a timelessness and demonstrates key aspects of humanitarianism.

Schindler's List movie.jpgKatie Patrick


Iconic Film – Schindler’s List.

Linder Sterling – Meat Dress

Linder Sterling is an English visual and performance artist, and also a musician. She studied art at the Manchester Polytechnic. She is a radical feminist and known in the Manchester Punk and post-punk scene.

Sterling was in a band called the Ludus’. In one of her performances she wore  dress made of discarded chicken meat sewn into layers of black net. This was in response to the Manchester protest against men seeing the female flesh as meat.

Katie Patrick

Linder Sterling – Meat Dress

The man with the movie camera

Man with a Movie Camera sometimes called A Man with a Movie Camera, The Man with the Movie Camera, The Man with a Camera, The Man with the Kinocamera, or Living Russia is an experimental 1929 silent documentary film, with no story and no actors, by Soviet director Dziga Vertov , edited by his wife Elizaveta Svilova.

Vertov’s feature film, produced by the film studio VUFKU, presents urban life in the Soviet cities of Kiev, Kharkov, Moscow and Odessa. From dawn to dusk Soviet citizens are shown going about there daily lives.

This film is famous for the range of cinematic techniques Vertov invents, deploys or develops, such as double exposures, fast motion, slow motion, freeze frames, jump cuts, split screens, Dutch angles, extreme close-ups, tracking shots, footage played backwards and stop motion animations.Man-3.jpgMan_with_a_movie_camera.jpg


The man with the movie camera

Pink slime

Pink slime” is a meat-based product used as a food additive to gournd beef and beef-based processed meats, as a filler or to reduce the overall fat content of ground beef. In the production process, heat and centrifuges remove fat from the meat in beef trimmings. The resulting product is exposed to ammonia gas or citric acid to kill bacteria.

“Pink slime” was claimed by some originally to have been used as pet food and cooking oil and then later approved for public consumption. MEPink-Slime.jpgpink-slime_600_387.jpg

Pink slime

Rocky. Louise Fleming 

Rocky is a 1976 American sports drama film directed by John Avoldsen And was also both written by sylvester Stallone who is Rocky in the film. 
It tells the story of a poor rags to riches American Dream story of Rocky Balboa. Rocky is an uneducated working class Italian American boxer Who is working as a debt collector for a loan shark in the slums of Philadelphia. Rocky starts out as a small-time club fighter who later gets a chance to fight with the world heavyweight champion Apollo Creed. 

The film, made on a budget of just over $1 million and shot in 28 days. The films earned $225 million in global box office receipts becoming the hightest grossing film of 1976 and went on to win three oscars, which including best picture. The film received many positive reviews and turned Stallone into a major star. In 2006, the film was selected for preservation in the United States national film registry, as being “culturally, historical, or aesthetically significant”. Rocky is considered to be one of the greatest sports and was ranked as the second-best in the genre, after raging bull. 

The film later on added on six other sequels and soon to be another in 2016 Stallone portrays Rocky in all six sequels, wrote the first five sequels, and directed four of the first five sequels.  

Rocky. Louise Fleming 

The Exorcist

  The Exorcist was a horror-drama film released in America on 26th December 1973. It was directed by William Friedkin and had a budget of $12 million. It was based on the book ‘The Exorcist’ written by William Peter Blatty in 1971. This was inspired by the exorcism performed in 1949 on Ronald Doe. The movie (and book) are about a 12 year old girl who is possessed and the mothers attempt to restore her child’s life by performing an exorcism by two priests. The pyscological themes in the film are keeping faith during times of doubt and a mothers maternal and unconditional love for her child. 
Many people labelled the film as ‘cursed’ due to one of the main actors’ son being hit by a motorbike and being hospitalised with serious injury during the beginning of filming. Also, when filming the prologue in Iraq, many of the crew members became seriously ill due to the hot weather. 

The Exorcist is known by many as the ‘best horror film in history’ due to it’s outstanding makeup, special effects and sound effects for it’s time. It got 10 academy award nominations, winning 2 which were for the Best Sound Mixing and Best Adapted Screenplay. The movie had a very significant influence on film and has been praised by people such as Stephen King who also said to have taken influence. 

Although The Exorcist is well known for being a classic horror, this was not their initial intention. The director, William Friedkin, said “It’s a story about the mystery of faith”.

– Katie Graham

The Exorcist