Unconventional – hannah

Ana Bathe
(Unconventional portrait)

Ana bathe has always tried to communicate her ideas of beauty and sexuality. Ana’s inspiration come from varies sources including current events, literature and music.
She wanted her pictures to be a communication about the mainstream standards of beauty and to use her work as a direct challenge to what we see in magazines, billboards and on television. Ana wants to be able to encourage people to be proud of whom they are and not feel pressure to conform something that they are not.
Her latest project is titled ‘Recognize me’ and it deals with the current homophobic wave that has taken over Russia. it features a mix of self portraits as well as portraits of people from various backgrounds, genders and sexual orientations.
Ana is a 24 year old artist from Berlin, Germany and she specializes in self portraits and alternative beauty. Her first experience with art involved channeling her fears and traumas into something more positive. She uses photography to voice her opinions.

Unconventional – hannah

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